[kon-vuh-key-shuhn] or how i like to say it as hari memakai robe dan mortar pada hari yang panas. ya jika anda graduan local, graduation merupakan hari yang panas.
so after all these torturing years,sleepless nights,all the tears the physical and mental torture
finally i graduated .*guling-guling*
thanx mum and dad , my brother , for the endless support, for the drive and motivation ,and not forget to mention thanx for the supply of fulus tak putus throughout the years . thank u .
the boys and girls at the back are not my siblings. haha.
uitm's convocation is like family outing day . it is like jom heboh . serious. everybody seems to bring their opah,aunt,uncle,niece,nephew,mother-in-law,father-in-law. ramai gila org. serious.
i really pitied the atuk and nenek , waiting outside in the hot scorching son for their loved ones. some even in their wheelchairs. but looking at their faces even after the long wait, seeing their faces were priceless. every each and one of them proud of their children.
thanx to gengkaras. for being there, for the fun and yummy outings. u guys make me feel closer to home when i'm here in shah alam. ;P
trima kasih yang amat sangat pada warga budak arki. all of u guys , yang bantu secara lansung dan tak lansung, for being my roomates, teman aku makan , hantar aku here and there, sama-sama tolong bila buat design, sama-sama kena marah bila datang lambat dan macam macam lagi. nak state semua memang tak boleh ar. i thank u all. sticking with me through thick and thin. sampai la aku grad.
nijam attended my convo!!
yeay !
thanx to nijam for endless support :P
also thanx for lending an ear whenever i had to bitch about design .etc//
bersama bob yang comellll!!!!!
with zella and zaza!!
bersama cik dalila khairi
see aku setinggi kiman
shambro, ida, rina and nas
thanx rina tolong pkaikan robe !
baem pun ada ! :P
thanx yanti for the flowers
thanx qila for the chocolates and cupcakes!!!
thanx to semua yang datang!
really appreciate it :'))
congrats to the rest of gengkaras yang konvo bersama , natalie ,dyan,zaza,awang,achul and nizar
sorry couldn't make it to u guys punya convo
congrats nizar!
congrats za! ANC! KELAS PERTAMA wei!!!
congrats natalie! chemical engineeeer! woots!
congrats chul. smart gambar ko!
dyan and awang aku ndak dpt cari gambar ko di fesbuk
oh gambar ni aku curi dr fesbuk . harap maklum
thanx all :)
haha you go arkitek!